Baby is our first cockatoo. He can be such a clown one second and a cuddlebug the next. He loves to test his boundries
and can be very demanding. He is our attack bird and has a major attitude. He has a big temper and can hold a grudge for a
long time. He will hiss and try to bite when he's told "No". He also loves to sit on me for hours and be petted. We
absolutely love his personality. He is just an amazing individual and a great soul.
His hobbies include screaming, playing with Jasmine's toys, protecting "his" couch by chasing away anyone who sits down,
preening mommy's hair, and chewing up whatever is close.
Baby has a way of melting my heart. Whenever I walk by him, he'll raise a foot to step up. He'll also take my hand
with his foot and put my hand on the back of his head to be petted. These are his ways to ask for attention. I can never
stay mad at him long.